Unfounded allegations against Liverpool

April 11, 1913
The joint Commission of the Football Association and the Football League, appointed to inquire into allegations by Mr. H.G. Norris as to the conduct of certain Liverpool players in the match between Liverpool and Chelsea, Liverpool, on March 24, sat at the offices of the Football Association, London, on Friday.

Messrs. Crump, Pickford, Davis, and Skeggs represented the Football Association; and Messrs. Lewis, Keys, Dickinson, and Hall the Football League. Mr. J. McKenna attended on behalf of the Liverpool Club, and Mr. W.C. Kirby on behalf of Chelsea.

The deliberations extended over three hours and a half, and at the close the following report was drawn up and issued to the Press: –
“The Commission is satisfied that no inducement was offered to the Liverpool players to influence the result of the match. Indeed, Mr. Norris assured the Commission that he did not suggest any corrupt or ulterior motive. There is evidence that the form displayed by the Liverpool players was unsatisfactory, but the Commission is satisfied that the allegation that they did not desire to win the match is unfounded.”

Mr. Norris admitted that he was indiscreet in giving publicity to the Football Association and the Football League.
(Source: Derby Daily Telegraph: April 12, 1913)

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