Stan Kane in the Liverpool court

April 17, 1940
Damages of £250 and costs were awarded by Mr. Justice Lewis at Liverpool Assizes to Stan Kane, a former goalkeeper for Liverpool Football Club and now a constable in Liverpool City Police.

He sued Albert Dixon, a former Liverpool detective sub-inspector and now a private detective, for slander.

Mr. Justice Lewis ordered that the documents should be impounded.

The action arose out of a traffic accident in which the son of a police sergeant was injured. It was stated that Kane saw the accident and made a report.

A claim for damages was made on behalf of the boy and Dixon was employed by an insurance company to investigate the accident.

The alleged slander, spoken by Dixon to another Liverpool police constable, was: –
“That case is coming off at the Assizes next week. I don’t want to make any trouble with Kane, as he is a decent lad, but I have got ample proof that he did not witness the accident. I am afraid I shall have to report it to the Chief Constable for disciplinary action, as the evidence is perjured.”

Dixon denied that he ever used these words, and said that he had never attempted to justify the words attributed to him.
(Evening Telegraph: April 17, 1940)

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