Abe Hartley signs for Everton

December 17, 1892
In spite of the decision to wind up the Liverpool Caledonians Football Club Company, a strong effort is being made to reconstruct the club upon a new basis.

Meanwhile Charles Parry, the left full back, has been transferred to Everton, the necessary formalities having been gone through to enable him to play in the League match against Burnley to-day week.

Another capture just made by Everton is that of Abe Hartley, who has played centre-forward for Dumbarton since John Miller left that club to come to Liverpool.

It is understood that great indignation has been aroused in Dumbarton by the capture of Hartley, and the Everton officials are threatened with all sorts of pains and penalties in the event of their engaging in another “poaching” expedition in that country.
(Source: Manchester Courier: December 17, 1892)

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