Thomas Robertson (Tom Robertson) @

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About Tom Robertson:

Born: October 17, 1876: East Benhar (Fauldhouse), in Scotland.
Passed away: August 13, 1941: Harthill, in Scotland.

Position: Outside left.

Height: 5 ‘ 7.
Weight: 11 ‘ 1.

East Benhar, 1895.
Heart of Midlothian: Signed: September 17, 1896.
* 1896-97: 8-7 (Scottish League 1); 1-0 (FA Cup);
* 1897-98: 17-9 (Scottish League 1); 3-2 (FA Cup).
** Transferred to Liverpool for £175.
Liverpool: Signed: March 30, 1898;
* registered as a Liverpool F.C. player with the Football League: March 31, 1898;
* eligible to play for Liverpool F.C. in official matches: April 7, 1898.
* Transfer registered with the Scottish Football League: April 4, 1898.
* 1897-98: 3-2 (Football League 1); 0-0 (FA Cup);
* 1898-99: 33-10 (Football League 1); 6-1 (FA Cup);
* 1899-00: 34-9 (Football League 1); 4-1 (FA Cup);
* 1900-01: 34-9 (Football League 1); 2-0 (FA Cup);
* 1901-02: 22-4 (Football League 1); 3-1 (FA Cup).
** Transferred to Hearts of Midlothian.
Hearts of Midlothian: Signed: May 14, 1902;
* registered with the Scottish Football League: May 17, 1902.
* 1902-03: 3-0 (Scottish League 1); 1-0 (FA Cup);
** Transferred to Dundee.
Dundee: Signed: October 9, 1902.
* 1902-03: 13-1 (Scottish League 1); 6-1 (FA Cup);
** Transferred to Manchester United.
Manchester United: Signed: May, 1903.
* 1903-04: 3-0 (Football League 2); 0-0 (FA Cup).
Bathgate: Signed: June 9, 1905.

Football League, First Division Winner: 1900-01 (Liverpool).

To for solving the important birth and passing away dates.

Tom Robertson, Liverpool F.C. (Lancashire Evening Post: April 14, 1900).
Tom Robertson 1900

Tom Robertson, Hearts (Evening Telegraph: October 10, 1902).
Thomas Robertson 1902

Tom Robertson, Dundee (Athletic News: May 11, 1903).



  1. Hello. My Auntie Nan was Tom Robertson’s niece. She returned his league winners’ medal to Anfield not so very long ago. She is from Harthill. Your article will interest her. She is now ninety two. Thank you.

    1. Hi Barbara,

      Thank you for visiting my website, and it is so good to hear from relatives of old players.

      Let me know if there is anything you want me to find out about Tommy`s football career.



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